CCSNH Workforce Training


There are several organizations that provide workforce training funding – some broad, some industry-specific and some for individuals.


There are several organizations that provide workforce training funding – some broad, some industry-specific and some for individuals.

Individual Funding Sources

Vocational Rehabilitation:
NH Vocational Rehabilitation is run by the NH Department of Education and serves individuals with disabilities, businesses,
and students with disabilities.

NH Dislocated Worker Program:
This program assists unemployed job seekers with career and occupation searches, overcoming barriers to employment, and acquiring workforce training through basic or individualized career services.

WIOA Adult Worker Program:
This is an employment and training assistance program for New Hampshire residents ages 18 and older who meet income and eligibility requirements and need assistance attaining or retaining employment.

Work Now:
This free state program is available to individuals enrolled in Medicaid or receiving SNAP or TANF benefits. It provides support and assistance to qualified individuals to become job ready and connect with employers.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
TANF, also known as the Financial Assistance for Needy Families Program (FANF), provides cash assistance to families with dependent children.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.

Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA)
This program helps workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade to quickly rejoin the workforce by providing them with the means to attain competitive and marketable skills.

Employer funding sources

Formerly known as the NH Job Training Fund, WorkInvest provides matching grants to employers to upgrade the skills of current employees.

Stay at Work: WorkShare
WorkShare is for New Hampshire employers who are facing a reduction in force and want to develop a plan to avert layoffs by finding additional opportunities for affected employees.

NH Small Business Development Center (NH SDDC)
SBDC’s dedicated team of professional business advisors delivers highly individualized, confidential advising at no charge to enterprises across New Hampshire.

NH Works
NH Works, through the Office of Workforce Opportunity, offers training resources to employers and job seekers, and also works to match a qualified potential worker with an interested employer.

SBIR and STTR Funding
SBIR and STTR grant funding opportunities offer small business entrepreneurs a chance to obtain non-dilutive funding for early-stage research and development. Applications are accepted three times a year.

Have Questions?

Contact the college nearest you to discuss your needs with a member of the workforce training team

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